Allergy Testing

Allergies can have a dramatic and wide-reaching impact, affecting over one fourth of the population in some capacity.

While it’s true these reactions vary from mild to serious, they all stem from our immune systems mistaking something seemingly harmless as dangerous – resulting in an influx of antibodies that release histamines, causing uncomfortable allergic symptoms. 

Allergy testing can help individuals identify their specific allergies, so that they can take measures to avoid contact with those substances when and where possible. Through a blood test or skin prick test, allergens in different forms and concentrations are tested against an individual’s immune system to determine sensitivity levels. Both immediate and delayed reactions are tested for. Allergy testing is essential in diagnosing and controlling allergies effectively, thereby providing relief to all those suffering from severe allergies.

Common allergies come from:

Hay Fever & Seasonal Allergy Testing

Enigma Healthcare offer seasonal allergy testing to identify which pollen is affecting you. 20% of the UK’s population suffers from seasonal allergic rhinitis which is triggered by tree pollen and grass pollen during spring and summer.

Patients with allergic rhinitis experience their symptoms at different times of the year depending on which pollens they’re allergic to. 

Our routine seasonal allergy tests are completed by skin prick testing, which carries a very low risk of side-effects and provides high-quality information.

Enigma Healthcare can offer a range of solutions to help with your symptoms from reviewing your anti-histamines, to discussing long term desensitisation treatments. If your allergy isn’t listed here, let us know and we will discuss options with you.

Food Allergy Testing

Food allergies range from mild to severe and can be caused by common ingredients such as nuts, dairy, and fish. For those with an allergy to one of these foods, normal everyday eating becomes a serious challenge. Symptoms include: itchy skin, wheezing or swelling of the lips, face and eyes.

We can offer a range of blood testing profiles to identify your allergy or we can test for individual allergens. 

Food Intolerance Testing

Food intolerances can cause discomfort and difficulty digesting certain foods or ingredients in food. It’s not usually serious, but eating the food you’re intolerant to can make you feel unwell. Causing symptoms such as: diarrhoea, bloating, passing wind and stomach pain.

We can offer a range of blood testing profiles to identify your allergy or we can test for individual intolerances. 

Currently no under 16 appointments

Book Consultation

Scroll down to see all appointment types. 

Please note: Before any allergy appointment, you must stop taking any anti-histamines 3 days prior to your appointment. 



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Lorem Ipsum
Lorem, Ipsum
AB12 3CD

01234 567890

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