Joint Injections

Steroid injections to ease joint pain by reducing swelling and inflammation.

At Enigma Healthcare we have a team of Orthopaedic Consultants and Specialist clinicians provide joint injections to help ease pain.



Joint Injections

Steriod injections to ease pain and increase movement. Steriod injections, also called corticosteroid injections, are anti-inflammatory medicines used to treat a range of conditions.

Joint injections are a quick procedure to inject hydrocortisone (a type of steroid) directly into an inflamed, swollen joint. Damage or injury to a joint can cause chronic joint pain and make it harder to enjoy everyday activities. Conditions that may cause joint pain include: Arthritis, Bursitis, Osteoarthritis, Tendonitis.

A joint injection could benefit you by reducing inflammation and swelling in the affected joint, especially if you’re experiencing:

The type of injection and treatment plan will be fully discussed with you including any side effects.

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Lorem Ipsum
Lorem, Ipsum
AB12 3CD

01234 567890

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