Morton’s Neuroma

Cryosurgery is a modern form of treatment for Morton’s Neuroma, Enigma Healthcare is one of the only clinics in the UK to offer this procedure.

Cryosurgery offers patients a minimally invasive, clinic-based procedure with a high success rate and no risk of stump neuroma.

Think of Cryosurgery as wiping the slate clean, and returning your nerve to how it was before the neuroma occurred.

Due to the accuracy and precision used during the Cryosurgery treatment, we are able to selectively target and cause the breakdown of the thickened neuroma tissue, leaving the affected nerve unharmed and undamaged. The subsequent tissue breakdown and reabsorption, will leave you with an intact, healthy, fully-functioning nerve. Just how it was before the neuroma developed.


Cryosurgery for Morton’s Neuroma

Cryosurgery involves the use of a cryoprobe which at its tip forms a 6-8mm ice ball that reaches temperatures as low as -67°C. The cryoprobe tip destroys nerve tissue by causing extensive vascular damage to the nerve sheath capillaries. This then causes demyelinazation (breakdown of the myelin sheath) and degeneration of the axon.

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01234 567890

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